Saturday, October 22, 2005

Was that me?

Sorry about the last post. I'm feeling much better now. Not less stressed, but at least I'm not letting it get to me.

Some friends of mine from college came to 'sunny' SoCal this weekend for UEA (Utah Exodus to Anaheim, they're all teachers). They've been spending most of their time at Dizzyland, but last night we met them for dinner at ESPN in Downtown Disney. Good times! The food wasn't stellar (though it was good) but it was fun to catch up with them. Afterwards we went upstairs to the game area and one of them was kind enough to let my older ds use one of her tokens to 'bowl' (not the real thing, but arcade style). He had a blast! My younger ds even took a turn to roll the ball toward the pins. Then the girls went back to Dizzyland and we went to the Lego store to play a bit before heading home. All in all a fun night out with the kids, believe it or not! I think the boys are old enough now that we can get them Dizzyland passes for Christmas.

In other news, my brother and sister-in-law had their second child this morning around 11am, a little girl, 8lbs 6oz, and a week or so early! If they're reading this (though I'd be surprised if they were right after having a baby) Congratulations! My sister and her hubby are due to have a baby in January sometime, their first and another girl. So when we head back for Christmas we'll get to see a new baby and my sister VERY pregnant! We'll take lots of pics.

Looking up!

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