Wow, it's been a while. Really my life has been mostly boring lately. But I do have two things to post about today! First, a cute story about the boys and second, a contest!
On Fridays our ward has a park day for the young mothers and their kids. It's been pretty rainy lately so we haven't gone, but today is really nice, so we went! They switch parks around often and this week's park was pretty far away. We had just pulled out onto California when my younger ds started to scream! For a second I thought he'd been stung by a bee, he screamed so loud. But no, he had dropped his 'magic wand' (a stick about 3 inches long) and couldn't get it. He was quite hysterical about it. His seat is right behind mine, so I tried to reach it while we were stopped at the stoplight, but I couldn't find it. Meanwhile, his brother, kept telling him calmly "We'll get it when we get to the park" and patting his hand. That calmed younger ds down a bit, though he was still crying. Then older ds started singing to him "don't you cry, we will go to grammie's" and the crying stopped. He continued to sing to him all the way to the park, and as soon as the car was stopped, he jumped out of his seat and retrieved the 'magic wand' for his younger brother. It was so sweet. It's nice to know that even though they sometimes don't treat each other very well, they really do love each other and are looking out for the other.
Last night, while my dh was at a meeting at the church, I got a call from the executive secretary (is that right? You know, the guy who schedules appointments with the bishop.) At any rate, he asked if I could meet with a member of the bishopric on Sunday! So we scheduled a time to meet between choir practice and sacrament meeting. This is totally unexpected! There's no other reason for me to meet with the bishopric except for them to give me a new calling. I guess it's time, I've been the Relief Society accompanist since we moved in 2 and 1/2 years ago. I'm really nervous. RS accompanist is such an easy calling, I'm afraid I've gotten lazy. I might actually have to do something now!
So here's the contest:
"Guess what my new calling will be!"
Enter your guesses in the comments. On Monday morning, I'll announce my calling and the winner! The winner will get a packet of seeds of their choice mailed to them. (This contest is for family and friends only! And maybe friends of family if they want to guess too!)
Happy guessing!
I know I have an unfair advantage:
I know what callings have recently been filled, and which are getting kinda "stale"...
Even with that advantage I know I'll get it wrong, but here it is....
RS Enrichment Committee
Ross is saying Relief Society presidency, but doesn't want to get more specific.
I think Primary teacher.
I know neither of these are music, and you are a little young to break away. Most musicians I know are in their 50s before they get a non-music calling, but it does occasionally happen sooner.
Ooo oooo! I guess ward missionary! I don't even know if that's the most realistic choice (even though you would be a great ward missionary) I just have mission on the brain!
You'd be great at so many positions, but I'm guessing Primary President!
I can hardly wait to find out!
The story about the boys is darling -- they are so cute!
I think you will be Primary 2nd Counselor, because that is my calling.
Ward organist! That's my guess. You did so well as RS accompanist that it was time for a "promotion." :)
Congrats on whatever it really is!
My guess is ward choir accompanist! Once in a music calling. . .They have had me in three music callings at the same time--and I live in Utah!
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