Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007 Resolutions Recap

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a great 2007 and are looking forward to an even better 2008!

It's resolution time! Posting my resolutions on my blog last year went so well (for me anyway, I'm sure all 2 of you were bored stiff by them) that I'm going to do it again. But first....

2007 Resolutions Recap
1. Keep up with my exercise routine.
Pretty good, though I lost my walking companion to Japan halfway through the year. :( Moving didn't help either. But I've managed to keep up a fairly regular routine and I even picked up the pace. Today I ran my whole route, about 3mi! (I use the term "ran" loosely; I'm averaging just over a 10 min. mile, so we're not breaking any speed records here.) It's a major improvement for me, esp. considering that a year ago I could barely run a mile.

2. Eat more legumes.
Good. I've even managed to get my kids to eat more by hiding them in some of their favorite foods!

3. Write in my journal once a week.
I missed big chunks during vacations and moving, but I wrote a lot more than I did last year, so a definite improvement.

4. Write on my blog once a month.
Perfect! In the first week of each month even! Well, except Aug. but that was the month we moved so I'm going to excuse myself. ;)

5. De-clutter one room a month.
It didn't go quite as I'd planned since we had to move in the middle of everything. But I get bonus points for de-cluttering the whole apt in 3 weeks while we packed!

The Compact
From Feb. to July we did really well. Then we moved and suspended it, and never really picked it up again. It was a good experience and I will definitely try to do it completely again, but probably not for a while since we're hopefully buying a house this year! Though in the meantime I'm not abandoning it completely (more on this later).

There it is! Much better than my previous resolution attempts! And I'm really excited about my resolutions for 2008....

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