Sunday, February 24, 2008

Resolutions Update

I've been at it for a month! Time to see how it's going...

1. Keep up my exercise routine.
Grrr. I dislike winter. I was doing pretty well, considering, until I injured my knee. Not sure what happened, but it was really painful. I stayed off of it for a week so it would get better in time for me to brave the airport alone with my boys. Thankfully it did, but that means I haven't been excercising at all for over 2 weeks now (no excercising in UT, brrr). And now I'm sick and don't feel like walking in the cold. I feel like a blob. But on the up side, it's starting to get lighter by 6am so maybe I can start running/walking everyday! Yay for spring!

2. Eat more.
I certainly did that during the UT trip. ;) I couldn't find the books I wanted to read from the library, but I did manage to find some others along the same lines. My favorite was the Bean Bible. Tons of great legume recipes! I'm going to read some more books to see where our menus can be improved. I've started making tortillas from scratch (to avoid all the preservatives in the store bought variety); they are really good! We have also been eating more veggies, though not a lot more. They are hard to come by in winter in NJ. It is definitely easier to eat more fresh food in CA. Oh well, soon it will be spring, and maybe I can start my own garden!!! (assuming I have a house.)

3. Write in my journal once a week.
Not bad, though I did miss two weeks while we were in UT. But I'm not going for perfection here, so I'll just keep going. My boys write in their journals once a week as well. I love to read what they've written (or dictated)!

4. Write in my blog once a month and once a day for one month.
So far, so good. It's really fun! I've decided I'll need to choose a month to write every day before June when we will hopefully be moving into a house. I'm betting I'll be too overwhelmed after that to blog every day. So maybe April (or May) will be my blog every day month.

5. De-clutter one room a month.
I de-cluttered the 3rd bedroom and it looks great! My house feels so much cleaner/more organized, even though the rest of it really isn't. To be totally honest, some of the clutter from that room just moved into other rooms. Oh well, you've got to make a mess to get rid of a mess sometimes. Eventually it will all be organized or gone! For this month, my bedroom. I haven't started on it yet, but it shouldn't pose too much of a challange.

6. Find some service to do.
Why is this so hard for me? In my last ward we had a humanitarian interest group and the leader was great at finding service opportunites for us. There's nothing like that here and I'm not nearly as good at finding service as she was. Sighhh. Also, I just found out one of my friends is expecting, so the baby blanket may go to her instead of a hospital. Sorry! Maybe crocheting leper bandages will be the way to go for me.

7. Say "I love you" to my children and husband every day.
So far so good! I think I'll add 'be more positive' to this one.

8. 'Compact' participation
This is actually proving more difficult. I have stopped reading mailed (and emailed) ads and catalogs. And I have looked at used options for items we want to purchase. But it's really hard to buy something used when it only costs a few dollars less then new! Grrr. I've also stopped looking for used clothes for the boys. None of the stores have them in their sizes. And I can understand why, they wear them out faster then they grow out of them! Oh well. Like I said, participation not perfection. I think the next step I will take in this direction will be to cancel all the catalogs I get in the mail (except seed catalogs!). I don't know how they found me when I moved, but they did.

There it is!

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